Gynecomastia; it is the name given to the growth of the male udder in the form of a female udder. It is a condition in which the male breast grows more than usual due to fat and hormonal reasons.


Hormonal imbalance, liver or thyroid diseases, cirrhosis, a number of drugs used, drug use and some types of cancer can cause the growth of breasts in the male, i.e. gynecomastia. It can be seen in the vast majority of boys in adolescence (13-15 years) and approximately 70-90% of them pass by themselves within 1-2 years and the breast returns to its normal size. The reasons for doing it can be listed as follows:

*Swelling, pain and tension in the breasts

*Physical and mental discomfort caused by the growth of the breasts

*Patients at risk of breast cancer


This operation can be applied from the end of adolescence (17). This operation to previous ages is not recommended because the physiological age is not completed. It would be right for people under adolescence to wait about 2 years before deciding on surgery. However, the possibility of breast cancer in adult men should be remembered and caution should be considered.


What type of gynecomastia is determined by the examination to be performed by your doctor before the surgery. Thus, it is tried to understand if the tissue that causes your breast to grow is fat or nipple. In gynecomastia, which occurs as a result of the growth of the nipples, the enlarged parts of the nipples are removed. If breast tissue is to be removed, there will be an incisive scar around the nipple. It is tried to hide in the colored part of the nipple. Fat removal surgery is performed with liposuction in gynecomastia, which occurs as a result of increased adipose tissue. In people whose breasts are quite large, it may also be required to apply stretching on the skin to get the remaining abundance of the skin after the fat is removed.


Gynecomastia operation can be performed under local or general anesthesia. What type of anesthesia to apply is decided with the help of a doctor by looking at your age and chest size. The duration of surgery lasts an average of 1-2 hours. After undergoing gynecomastia surgery, you can leave the hospital on the evening of the same day or the next day.


  • After surgery, patients can return to their normal lives the next day. Bathing can be performed 2-3 days after surgery.


  • *If breast tissue is removed by surgery, silicone drains will be placed in your wound place to drain blood and fluids. These will be removed within 1-2 days after surgery. This procedure is painless.

    *For 3-4 weeks, the corset recommended by the doctor should be used regularly.

    *If breast tissue is removed by surgery, blood or fluid may be formed in your surgical area. In this case, these liquids will be drained with regular checks. Since all breast tissues are taken, recurrence is not observed.